Code of Conduct
The City of Elk Grove is committed to creating facilities that feel welcoming, comfortable and safe.
Please remember:
- Follow all posted rules.
- Be respectful of all people regardless of age, gender, religious, cultural background, or sexual orientation.
- Be a good role model for others.
- Be safe for the benefit of yourself and others.
- Dress appropriately in all City facilities.
- Respect the privacy of participants, visitors, volunteers, and employee.
- Respect others: their personal belongings and their personal space.
- Respect public facilities: their equipment, supplies, and décor.
- Observe program rules and regulations at all time.
- Cooperate with and assist the Elk Grove Staff in maintaining a safe environment.
Please Refrain From:
- Unsafe action by any individual that may cause harm to any other person or damage to personal or City property.
- Disruptive or disorderly behavior.
- All forms of harassment, bullying, or taking unfair advantage of anyone.
- Smoking and or using any tobacco or cannabis products in City facilities or parks.
- Graffiti, vandalism, or anything that damages City property.
- Profanity, teasing, or ridiculing others.
- Inflicting harm on yourself or others.
- Violating any federal, state, or local statute or ordinance.
- Possession of dangerous or unauthorized materials such as firearms, illegal substances, weapons, or other similar items on City of Elk Grove property.
Respecting this Code of Conduct ensures that all customers and employees feel welcome, safe, and comfortable in all of Elk Grove’s facilities.
The Rules are for your safety and ours. Violation of these rules may result in expulsion from the City of Elk Grove Facilities. We thank you in advance for your cooperation and understanding.